“In a heartwarming ceremony celebrating together with form 4 girls, Wells for Zoë, an organization dedicated to helping girls academically, held its 2023 graduation on the 24th June.
The event which took place at Wells for Zoë Centre for Learning in Mzuzu, brought together form 4 girls from various secondary schools who have been beneficiaries of Wells for Zoë educational support.
Mary and John Coyne the chief executive officer and founders of the organization were the guests of honour at the event. The event also attracted other guests including those from the Mzuzu victim support unit, media personals from the Malawi Broadcasting Cooperation and Members of staff of Wells for Zoë.
The farewell function was a momentous occasion for the form 4 girls who are about to sit for their final exams marking the end of their secondary school journey. The event aimed at acknowledging their hard work and the impact Wells for Zoë has had on their education journey.
Speaking in an interview, Elizabeth Jafali a form 4 student from one of the participating secondary schools expressed her gratitude to Wells for Zoë. “Wells for Zoë has been a guiding light for me and my fellow students, it is not easy to pay for someone’s child school fees, we are truly grateful for this support” said Elizabeth.
Linda Lungu a third year student at the Malawi University of business and Applied Sciences encouraged the girls to work extra harder for the exam that is coming. She further shared her personal success story inspiring the girls to believe in their abilities and strive for greatness.
Florence Harawa, the director of the girl child project at Wells for Zoë also thanked John and Mary Coyne for this project as it is helping a lot of girls who could have been dropouts by now. She further urged the girls to do their best as a way of thanking John and Mary Coyne for their good work.
Mary Coyne, the guest of honour, addressed the girls and extended her best wishes to the girls who will soon sit for their final exams. “Remember that you as a girl have the power to achieve anything you set your mind to provided you give your best, we wish you all the best in your exams” addressed Mary.
The farewell function served as a reminder of the transformative impact Wells for Zoë has had on the lives of these girls. As the form four girls prepare to take their exams, they are armed with new found confidence through the unwavering support from Wells for Zoë. The function ended with a dance and lunch was served to everyone present.”
For Wells for Zoë, this is Monica Scotch, Mzuzu, Malawi
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