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Wells for Zoë clay & brick rocket stove


As most Malawian households use firewood & charcoal in open fire pits for cooking we have begun to teach local women how to build clay coated brick rocket stoves. When we are in an area to maintain or install wells Peter Zulu our master builder teaches the women of the village to build them. They are safer to use and decrease the amount of firewood needed.

small stove with no pot stand
  • Firewood

    Trees are cut for firewood at an alarming rate in Malawi. 98% of families rely on biomass fuels for cooking daily dishes. Very often food is cooked on open fires which are inefficient and even dangerous for small children.

  • Change

    Population growth and increasing demand for firewood dictate that an optimised cooking solution has to be introduced in as many homes as possible in a bottom-up approach.

  • Education

    We teach the women of the village how to build clay coated brick rocket stoves when in an area to maintain or install pumps. They only need about a third of firewood compared to an open fire and are safer to use.

  • Impact

    Higher stove efficiency leads to less firewood to be cut and carried. This can lead to more time spent on small-scale women-owned businesses or other tasks like reforestation-work with us.

WfZ Rocket Stove building training

Support the teaching of up to 10 village women in how to build a WfZ clay coated brick rocket stove.

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