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Nurse Alepher, Teacher, Boy, Grandmother discuss

Phutura Health Clinic

The Phutura Land Restoration nursery has an attached Health Clinic where our workers and those from surrounding remote areas can access healthcare

Preschool workshop success

Workshop for Preschool Caregivers

Supporting one another, caregivers from 7 preschools came together for a day workshop run by Miriam, to make resources to teach the little ones the alphabet and their numbers, making words, and learning maths.

Testing the bridge

A bridge for Kafulufulu

The construction of the footbridge represents a significant improvement in the community's quality of life, demonstrating the power of collaboration and innovative solutions in addressing local challenges.

A Special Employee

28th July 2017: This is Joyce or Joycee as she is called on the farm, where she is one of our longest serving employees. We gave her a little house and a job when we heard that she had no place to live with her son Boyd.

Visit to Masinja village, Mwase in Kasungu

16th May 2017 Harisen writes: This was organized by the Youth Act Malawi, a youth organization which has had a big impact on a huge part of Kasungu in areas of youth awareness on HIV, Sending the girl back to school, encouraging youth to take part in

school in Chitipa

Not trying to Save the World

from a Lucan Newsletter article of 30th Nov 2014 We are just back from six weeks in our home away from home, which Malawi has become after nine years. The temperature drop and culture shock is still scary with all the talk of Christmas, shopping, parties,

A sorryful sight

A sorryful sight

24th March 2014: I'm sure this well was installed by some very well meaning people, probably of Christian origin, who sang, prayed and rejoiced with this community as a new pump was installed here. I figure this was installed in about 2000 or so, and maybe lasted

God's own people

God’s own people

11th October 2012: There must be something special about people who are dealt such a poor hand. These are a group of our very special friends who are making the best of every minute. They are just winners, and particularly so as a group. They are

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