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Our Lady’s School Fright Night

19th October 2018: Our daughter (on the left!) runs a "Fright Night" at Halloween-time in her school every year to support our Girl Child Student project. It also doubles as a fun introduction to each other for the first years. Because of the school's Data Protection policy, there are no pictures

Fright Night in Our Lady’s for the Girl Child

21st October 2016: Our Lady's School in Terenure, Dublin have been our best supporters since we began all this madness. This night of fun and frolics has become a a night of getting together and getting to know you for First Years. It is run by the transition

Our Lady's School

Our Lady’s School fun-night fundraiser

22nd Sept 2015: Our Lady's are one of our biggest and longest supporters. Here Mary is presented with flowers after one of the many talks to the girls. This is a first year group who are doing a fun-night to support us. It is an amazing school, with a

The A team

3rd Oct 2014: Our Daughter, Caitríona, is a teacher in Our Lady's School, Terenure, Dublin and for the past seven years the school has been our major funder. Not only is the school a pleasure to visit but the students are amazingly bright and caring. They have ideas to

Mary's Birthday

Mary’s Birthday

14th September 2012: Today we were in Our Lady's School to meet the new first years and tell them about Wells for Zoë and about our wonderful link with the school for the past five years. We also wanted to thank the school and the staff for

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