Employee, Land Restoration, Manager
My name is Lovemore Lemon, I was born on 28th August 1991 and am the first born in a family of five children, four boys and one girl. I was raised in Lilongwe district, TA Njewa. My spouse is Dora Ngwira and I married her in the year 2017 and now we have one child.
I did my primary school at Mngongonda primary and Secondary school at Namitete secondary; I did my tertiary at SOS training college on certificate in Agriculture from 2013 to 2014.
After graduation I started working with Exagris Africa as a management trainee in 2014, and then in 2016 I was promoted to the position of Assistant farm Manager. In 2017 I was also promoted to the position of Farm Manager. My main roles were planning and supervising operations, cost controls to ensure profitability of the farm, sensitising communities on new Agriculture practices through community mobilisation, checking wages, producing ledgers, Balance sheet and also producing management accounts. The farm had over 500 employees (staff and general workers).
In 2016 I started upgrading my studies in Mzuzu University based on bachelors in project management which I am left with a semester to finish the course.
I stopped working with Exagris in 2019 because the company stopped its operations in Malawi which made me to stop upgrading my studies because I was paying school fees from my personal savings. During my time with Exagris Africa, I was also paying school fees for my 2 young brother’s: one studying accounting at Malawi college of Accountancy and the other at Chitedze primary school. My father worked as a project facilitator with USAID, and the contract ended in 2015. Now I have got a big role paying school fees for my three brothers since I believe education is the key for success development. Currently am working with Wells for Zoë as a farm manager and leading the 2020 Planting indigenous Trees project. I came to know Wells for Zoë through Mphatso Mkandawire who was my core worker at Exagris Africa.
I am so glad to join this humanitarian organisation which is improving people’s lives including mine through forestry, water and education which is also my passion.