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A special birthday

This is one of the Wells For Zoë girls, pictured with three of our current volunteers - Sandy, Áine and Kevin. Like all of the Wells For Zoë girls, she is very special to us and her story is the perfect example of both the resilience

Florence, head of our Girl Child Project

3rd October 2017: I first saw Florence in action at a community meeting where we were discussing the establishment of a preschool and said to myself: What an amazing woman! She had the confidence to direct the chief and the village head people in a way that

Chrissy in the Pump Factory

26th September 2017: This is Chrissy Mkandawire, who works in the pump factory. She was born in 1985, and lives in Habitat and area near the factory outside Luwinga. She lives with her husband Vincent, two children Esnut (standard 4) and Vincent (preschool). Also in her house

Girl Child horticulture education

A way out of Slavery for Women and Girls

Women and girls carrying disease ridden water, long distances all day every day on their heads, is modern day slavery. The Zoë pump is causing a quiet revolution against this horrific waste of time and talent which is certainly contributing to the economic disaster, that

You can depend on Malawian women

29th August, 2017:   VENUE Tivwirane CBO at Chamalaza   PEOPLE PRESENT Tivwirane women’s group, preschool children and Wells for Zoë team: Miriam, Prominence and Catherine. The caregivers of Tivwirane came to our office to request about the workshop because their school started 2008 but they have never attended any training from

A Special Employee

28th July 2017: This is Joyce or Joycee as she is called on the farm, where she is one of our longest serving employees. We gave her a little house and a job when we heard that she had no place to live with her son Boyd.

Chrissy and Florence

15th May 2017: Florence you know as head of the Girl Child Project. Chrissy you will have seen working in the pump factory. Chrissy came to us to cook the dinner for our staff in the Pump Factory, The Centre and the Horticulture Training Centre. Of course like


12th May 2017: This is Prominence. She works in our Centre for Learning. She has been trained as a Primary School Teacher, for three years now, but like maybe 30,000 of her colleagues, she has got no Government posting yet. To work in a primary school in

International Women’s Day

8th March 2017: This is a bit of a blast from the past. In June 2016 we had 12 volunteers from Mary I Training College in Limerick with us in Malawi and they certainly made a huge impact on all our projects but especially while working in

WOW: Women digging Wells!

16th December 2016:   This is a watershed. Up to this we were told that women were not allowed by tradition and culture to dig wells and now we have a new option. Great, wells will now be dug quicker!

18th Birthday for Cecilia

6th November 2016: This our new star Cecilia – a student nurse at St John's Hospital – with Mary and auntie Phil in the background. She is an orphan and found her way to our place in Katoto looking for help. She had been accepted for nursing, but has

Rose and the Gogo

7th Oct 2015: This gogo/grandmother is looking after three grandchildren. Rose, our secretary writes: Boss, I went to Zolozolo to see the gogo here she is, She doesn't walk but she just crawls but she manages to farm in her dimba, a little. She is always at the maize

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