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Arriving with water

Arriving with water

22nd June 2013: Another new well today in Doroba. The picture shows three little ones arriving from the new pumps with water on their heads. They seem happy with themselves as they have come about 400 metres instead of a long 2 Km to the river. Lives have

New Village Preschool

New Village Preschool

13th June 2013: Casca and Florence were busy today as they seem to have visited five remote village communities with new preschool groups. The buildings vary but the enthusiasm remains: the enthusiasm of remote women, with little formal education to have education for their children. This idea has

Irish Aid lauds our farm

Irish Aid lauds our farm

15th March 2013: Maybe Irish Aid didn't know it, but this is our farm. We bought it about this time last year for a group of amazing women to become a commercial, co-operative model farm. It is now run by 16 women and 6 men with the

New Pump


An Answer: For the past eight years, we’ve been working to build a different kind of organisation. One without big money, buildings and bureaucracy, One run on the energy of the volunteering spirit and one with faith in the ability of the poorest to have a

A newly formed Preschool

A newly formed Preschool

20th February 2013: Not much but it's a big leap for them! Children in this area of Malawi go to Primary School at the age of 6, like elsewhere in Malawi. But the problem is that by then boys may be doing a full day's work making

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