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Natural Bag & Naku Biodegradable Potting Tubes

Biodegradable Potting Tubes

We put a lot of effort in to keep the ecological footprint of our projects minimal. This is why we have changed the pump valve design to be created from old potting tubes via upcycling them. As we are growing evermore seedlings, eventually the amount


Here we have very early apples this year but they will take many more weeks to mature. Not sure of the final number but I feel that the farm will produce about 500 apple tree seedlings this year.

Helping the poorest to help themselves

Since we focused on planting indigenous trees this year the really serious work has been to find seeds suitable for growing the wide range of Climate, Altitude and Soil conditions we encounter over a large area from Central to Northern Malawi.

The Farm

29th August 2020: Way back in 2007 we bought a piece of land in Lusangazi about 11 km from our base in Mzuzu, Malawi. It was fully organic from the beginning. We have never used chemical fertilisers and never use noxious chemicals as pesticides. A year later we

Local Maize

23rd April 2020: As Malawi heads into battle with Covid-19 with the most minimal of defences, we in Ireland have no concept of the war that wages this time each year there, against the most deadly of killers which is that of  Hunger. As we sit and

caring for seedlings at Lusangazi Farm

News from an Ethiopian Airlines flight to Malawi

Would you like to be a part of this incredible change and to reduce the carbon footprint of your flight at the same time? With WfZ is costs just €10-15 to plant 100 trees - donate today to help us achieve our goal of planting

Enyezini Students

Enyezeni School Visit

This week I arranged a visit to Enyezini CDSS to see how the #1millionTrees planting was going, take some videos and pictures of the students and meet Janet, the Guatemalan Peace Corps volunteer teacher working there who initially paid for the seedlings from her own

Aerial Lusangazi closer

First Monday – Lusangazi Farm

At first Wells for Zoë was just involved in pumps and water for life, but as time went by new projects began. For example, they discovered that they couldn’t buy open pollinated seeds in Mzuzu or even in the Capital Lilongwe, so they started developing

Peaches on the farm

29th October 2018: I think these are the first peaches on the farm. Just grafted and out of the greenhouse. Fruiting already! Can't wait for a taste. Two of the 37,800 fruit tree seedlings produced this year. Well done team!

Restoring Forest

22nd October 2018: This is a piece of land that we were given the use of at the end of last year by our local Bishop John Ryan, where we invite people to come and learn about trees and forestry. It shows people how to plant trees

Irish Apples

15th October 2018: They told me that apples don't grow in Malawi, where apples are imported from South Africa and Zambia and are very expensive. Undaunted we got some rootstock and scions from Irish Seed Savers in Scariff Co Clare, and with their European Passports, took them

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